23 October 2006


Cameron Williams.
Jodie Henry.
Anthony Koutofides.
Simmone Jade Mackinnon.

No, I've never heard of them either but apparently they are Australian 'celebrities' and they are promoting the Cricket Australia 'Go Off In Green and Gold' campaign which is encouraging all Aussie cricket fans to wear green and gold, in support of their team this summer. (Presumably in an effort to 'out-barmy' the Barmy Army.)

This is the very attractive Simmone Jade Mackinnon.

She is in a show called McLeod's Daughters which, to my surprise, is NOT a spin-off from the successful Highlander films, but is in fact an Australian drama set in the outback (a bit like Flying Doctors, but without planes or, erm, doctors) .

In fairness, although I've not heard of any of these people I guess the same would be true for our Australain readers if the England team got celebrity endorsements from UK-based stars like Dermot O'Leary, Natasha Kaplinsky and (wee) Jimmy Krankie. However, I can't help thinking that Cricket Australia have missed a trick by not going for more internationally high-profile stars like Olivia Newton-John, Darren Hayes (ex of Savage Garden) and that one from Home and Away and Emmerdale what was shacked up with Matt LeTissier for a while.


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