28 September 2006

Sky and the balletic Steve Harmison

On the way into work this morning I passed a billboard advertising SKY featuring England fast bowler Steve Harmison.

Nothing odd in this you might say.

But what struck me was that under a strapline of "Sky:Your Entertainment" (or words to that effect), the advert shows a picture of Harmison taking a catch, upside down, performing what looks like the worst forward roll ever.

Can anyone tell me which bright spark at the advertising agency thought that the best way to advertise Sky/Cricket was to have a picture of a freakishly tall England Bowler falling over liked a wounded giraffe?

I have tried to find the image on the internet to show what I mean, but unfortunately I can't find it so readers - we've doubled our readership and could almost form a five-a-side team now - will have to take my word for it.


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